
Mostrando postagens de novembro, 2008

me goste

me poste e me goste me download e me visualize numa nova janela me faça em html, do seu jeito me publique, salve antes de fechar e abra a qualquer hora que quiser digite, me emeie, me ouça nada houve, vc nada ouve mas me faça me tenha, me abraça e satisfaça, me goste, vá... salve agora essa publicação, visualize e encerre o programa

Simplesmente amar

não tenho nenhum poema mas gostaria de postar não tenho nenhum poema mas gostaria de falar a chuva que cai me cala e molha e a voz que sai é bolha hoje é aqui, sem alguém você não existe... o que existe é o então, o agora presente grego tão presente que me desfolha e molha vazio inerente, meu corpo quente, desejoso... não tenho nada de bom a dizer mas gostaria assim mesmo de escrever se eu fosse poeta, saberia lidar com as palavras eu saberia e saberia lidar tão bem que usá-las-ia para te fazer, te criar te ter, te merecer, o que é simplemente amar.


oi... Inglês ou portugues? hum...what about both? rsrsrs quem não entender, ...shame on you! today I'm gonna go out with...N...I need to see him...I invited him to watch the choral UFV singing with "my" choral on Sunday. I'll meet him today to talk about it. U didn't call me anymore...I sent him an e-mail but till now, he didn't answered. Mario appeared again in my life, we are talking again by I had to huury up and I went away without saying goodbye...sorry, M... I also talked to R by msn... I told him that I dreamed of him again...we had a serious conversation, not that serious, but...about feelings and things like that. so, thanks God this term is finishing...I can't take it anymore my final paper on let 415 and 315 will be a comparison between blake and whitman...very interesting. I'll use the poems "Infant Joy" by Blake and "There was a child went forth every day" by Whitman. bye.

any comments?

hi ih, valeu pessoas pelos comentários...restaurante? quem sabe...rsrsrs não sei se devia divulgar mais esse blog, mas vou mantê-lo enquanto der... enquanto houver eu e meus conflitos, minhas loucuras e perturbaçoes, minhas doideiras e blá-blá-blá ... e´pero que...ah na verdade não espero que me compreendam nem nada... o que espero é barco a vela furada... só pra rimar... pq dia de fúria é pra vociferar e fazer o contrário, sem matar ninguém, só sendo eu... amando cada vez mais as coisas, as pessoas, a vida...e nem recebendo o tanto de amor de volta, mas tudo bem, deixa pra lá, só faço o que sei que devo... bjs, bye

he and me

hi what a weekend! I passed all Saturday with him (U) and it was perfect! But then he said he would call me on Sunday, and he didn't. He would travel today and I don't know what to do, I'll just wait. I sent him an e-mail today. I tried to send a "torpedo" by web, but it didn't work. I'm nervous! again, I'm playing the role of a teenager, nervous, anxious to see my almost-boyfriend. That's the life, my life! I like him, but I'm still thinking about M and C and...Nill is on my heart forever, we have a new kind of relation... yesterday I went to a presentation of the group extase of dance, it was good. I invited U to go with me, but he didn't appear, you know...then, R went with me, today is her birthday. His brother, R, is walking around me again, God... I'm anxious to talk to U, my new love! bye.
hi last Thursday I did the most stupid thing I've ever done, but I won't put details here, it's not apropriate... I just want to say that I'll stop going out for whikle, til I learn to behave well. I'm listening to neon Neon, a song named "Raquel" my sister's name, it's pretty good, I recommend. bye.