
Mostrando postagens de maio 20, 2010

the best way

he stared at me, smiling. what a smile! and he just stared there, looking at me as if he wnted to say something just through his smile, big smile, pretty smile...God, what a smile! I know he wanted to say somenthing to me, but he just kept it to himself, I'm pretty sure. He smiled a long time and then he came closer to me. I was sittting in tha table, oh yes, in that green table, and he came closer, closer, he stayed right between my legs and we started to kiss each other romantically, after with a great desire. He touched me in an intimate wya, if I can say that rsrsrs...both of us wanted to say things, wanted to say so many things, but we couldn''t, we just could not. Then, suddenly, I was almost naked. I was in his arms. I was his. And he was mine. I love this possessive, mine, you see? we wanted that thing, yes, how I wanted that! but he kept control on the things, he kept control on himself, it was necessary. and now he wants a time to think about all the things t...
nao me acostumei não não me acostumei â tua distancia e aos teus apelos você me confunde "porque eu te confundo?" por uma infinidade de razões, amor por ser gentil, como tu mesmo dizes e por não me querer querendo tanto me confundes, amor quando entrelaças teus dedos nos meus e depois dizes que sentimentos sao complicados e queres distância deles... me confundes, amor quando com tanto ardor me tomas em teus braços, me fazes tua me deixas nua me arrebatas a alma e depois, com toda calma do mundo pensas que nada de mais houve me confundes, amor com teu jeito errado quando teu querer desleixado com pressa de viver... nao tens pressa de mim, de meu corpo, de minha pele nao sabes o que me causas tento, sei que tento aproximar-me mas não sei a hora de beijar-te, abraçar-te não quando e se posso arrisco...como arrisquei akele beijo invertido tal qual no filme... me confundes, amor naõ me toques tanto e tão profundamente se nao me queres assim do jeit...