Pretty interesting

eu na minha mania de androginia, vestindo um coat meio masculino. nao sei pq quis colokar foto mnh nesse post. cala a boca, Freud! Estava lendo um texto de dicas para motivar os estudantes, e me deparei com essa, muito, muito...boa, não só interessante, mas de uma singeleza tamanha q...nao sei, me deu um estalo. Eis a dica: Remember that energy sells . Think about these problems for a minute: Why would so many students rather see Rambo, Robocop, Friday the 13th, or another movie like that than one on the life of Christ? Why is rock music more popular with youth than classical music or Christian elevator music? Why is evil often seen as more interesting than good? The answer is connected with the way good and evil are portrayed. Unfortunately, evil usually has high energy on its side while good is seen as passive and boring. We've been trapped by the idea that "bad people do; good people don't." Good is passive, resistant, reactionary, while evil is proactive, energ...